In Case You Missed It – Jim Belushi Champions The Last Prisoner Project on Late Night with Seth Meyers
If the Indica was a bit strong last evening and you fell asleep before Late Night with Seth Meyers, you missed out on some powerful words from Emmy-nominated actor, Blues Brother, cannabis farmer and Apex Trading client, Jim Belushi.
While chatting about the new, second season of his show “Growing Belushi,” Jim discussed his consumption, some of the strains he’s producing, the challenges of farming cannabis, and, once again, the importance of The Last Prisoner Project.
“They were the pioneers for the cannabis industry. They’re the ones that took the arrows, they’re the ones that went to jail for nonviolent cannabis crimes. Whether they had an ounce or three pounds on them, they were trying to make a living for their family. When they get thrown into prison, it collapses that family, creates more trauma. There are 40,000 men and women incarcerated right now for nonviolent cannabis crimes,” he Belushi said.
Belushi’s dedication to helping those who led the charge to create the cannabis industry, but are trapped as result of outdated laws, is unwavering. We are so proud to call Jim and Belushi’s Farm a client. If you’re interesting in learning more about The Last Prisoner Project visit their site here.
If you’re a wholesale cannabis producer looking to get off inventory spreadsheets, streamline your operations, and improve your sales team performance, we encourage you to request a quick demo here or learn more here. If you’re a retail cannabis purchasing manager and want to expand your sourcing options, standardize invoicing, and simplify your buying processes, create your free account here or learn more here.