National and State-Specific Wholesale Cannabis Sales Data Snapshots for August 2022
They say that data is power. If you’re looking for a free taste of that power Apex Trading offers visibility into national and state-specific market pricing trends at the wholesale level with our data snapshots. These monthly pricing indices include minimum and maximum listings prices, average selling prices, as well as breakdowns of pricing for various product categories such as Bulk Flower, Extracts, Prerolls and more.
Below, you’ll find links to snapshots of wholesale cannabis sales data covering August 2022 for the Massachusetts and Oregon markets. You’ll also find a link to the national B2B cannabis sales snapshot. Even though these are only static glimpses at the data, we’re certain you’ll find it helpful in better understanding your products and how they stack up against the market as a whole.
Again, these reports are free and we hope you get something out of them that helps your cannabis business thrive, If you’d like to learn more about Apex Trading, the data and how our inventory, order and sales management software is helping thousands of wholesale cannabis producers and retailers across the country, we encourage to schedule a call or sign up up for demo.
Here are those links:
Massachusetts Wholesale Cannabis Data Snapshot for August 2022
Oregon Wholesale Cannabis Data Snapshot for August 2022
National Wholesale Cannabis Data Snapshot for August 2022